Thursday 9 August 2012

Fish Burger

Fish Burger


The choice of crumbed fish was a bit unusual by NZ standards....

Have spent a bit of time trying to get through all the museums around London; there any number of them on every topic you could never want. Around the corner from where this par fish burger came from was a museum of typography. I decided that as much as a museum like this could maybe be interesting to someone, the fact that I write in whatever the default is made me think it would be all a bit over my head.

A quick review of the museums I've been to would(does) read:

British Museum: Pretty much all of the ancient world, nicked by the Brits and now in one place for your viewing pleasure.

War Museum: Genocide, some really big guns and a wee bit more genocide for the lols, (those jews eh!??)

Natural History Museum: Rocks, lots of rocks, some crystals that came from rocks and a few bones that came from aforementioned rocks.

V&A: Nice stuff designed for rich people and how the upper crust has lived over the last aages.

I've eaten many a fish burger in my time, I think a perfect fish burger should have fish (and buns, two) tartar sauce, something green &crunchy and onion. The above had all the above other than the knunga but somehow wasn't anything to special, bought from a place a bit down from that tube station where police shot that guy wrongly and where they hold riots every ten years, the streets did feel a bit meaner.

I think what made this burger only average was that the buns were a bit soggy, it just felt a bit like they guy who made it was a bit bored, and maybe that's the secret to a good fush burger, bit o' luv? maybe...

While I was over on the wrong side of the Thames I tried this drink called Supermalt. Possibly the horribleist think I've ever drunk, tasted like half brewed beer with no fizz. Also needed a bottle opener to get into it, which meant opening it on a fence and getting the very sticky contents all over myself. Keep classy Clapham.

Getting over to Brixton(ish) was made pretty easy by the amazing tube network here, it makes the place so easy to get around, who would have thought a city heaps bigger than Auckland would be much easy to navigate. The thing that grinds my gears are the constant "mind the gap reminders" though, they're everywhere, on boats, trains, buses probably and  reckon British Airways uses them too. I think it's a ploy to bring in tourist money, as there's nothing as quintessentially London than "Mind the Gap", and if you can get that on a tote bag, then you totally just "done" London. I've hopefully got a wee way to go before I make it to that stage...

Not quite "far out" but we're getting close.

On the subject of advertising and tourists have been to a few Olympic things, which has been pretty cool, saw the babes at the Beach Vollyball, tried to work out what was going on with the horsies at the Dressage and watched super fit people run around a field and some less fit people throw some frisbees at the athletics. All have been pretty cool, albeit super commercialised with more security procedures to go through than boarding an aeroplane. Still haven't seen any celebs, or more importantly eaten with some celebs and taken a snap of the meal and reviewed the shiz out of it, perhaps in time.

Some goof slept through the marketing lecture on brand association.
Hopefully in the future I'll find a meal that can bust a 4/5, could be a while, but we'll get there. Haven't managed to find a bacon and egg pie here yet, maybe that'll be the game changer...

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