Indian Buffet
I can't blame anyone for the presentation but myself... |
Sorry its been a while. I've been sort of busy. At least too busy too write about myself. Ya'see I either write about myself doing nothing, or go out, do things to write about and not write them. A horrible paradox... I'm missing the flat jaunt to the cinema right now for this
Dear Diary thing. ANYWAY.
The above curry it actually really good. Also I found if I eat two plates I can skip dinner (Don't tell my mother...). I saw on the BBC that this is how the Romans ate, so I feel somewhat less unhealthy for it, not much, but a wee bit. Unfortunately London is quite an expensive city (the Beebs told me that too...) and at the end of the day I'd rather spend money on other things... LIKE WHAT YOU ASK/WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN; YOU HAVEN'T CALLED. Here's the highlights, I'll go into it further below...
1:) Nu Flat
2:) Gigs
Right, so after years (months) of searching I finally found a place to live. Its cheap, a little far out, but a pretty big place (3x The lounge of any other place I've been to! (Naturally you're all welcome to stay, I think we might even have a spare mattress).
The commute to work isn't too bad, although getting on a train at Kings Cross always involves a great push and a lot of luck. I found that if you want to open conversation with someone (and you've done the whole weather thing to death) then public transport is your next best option. People love to tell you all about the connections to take, the fastest trains and the time that the trains weren't going so they had to walk/taxi/bus/pray...
This reminds me of the time I had far too much to drink one Friday after work and missed the last train home... After some frantic texting to one of the few numbers I had (that had a place near) and a couple of calls, my phones batteries (eyePhones eh?) ran out. I was left (in the rain of course) to either jump the gates and sleep under the stairs at work, or try my luck at the station. I went with the latter, probably an bad move.
After trying to have a snooze outside (It was like 2am and the trains didn't start till 5...) I ended up talking to a slightly crabby old lady, who for some reason was at the station waiting for a train too. Looking back I'm sure she didn't want me in a state of boozed abandon to talk about the rain with her, but hey. When the doors to the station were finally opened she had the audacity to make me carry her grocery's (why she had grocery at that time I have no idea, think she was maybe seeing her daughter or something near Brighton???)
Eventually I got a train in the right direction, fell asleep at the connecting station, got another train, a bus, another bus and got back just in time for a 1 hours snooze before going back into London (bus,bus,train,tube)... Anyway, my point being is that everyone has public transport stories...
All's well down the road from the flat... |
London is a great place for gigs, there seems to be something decent on at least once a week, I saw Cloud Nothings a bit ago, Still Corners the other week and I'm off to see Scrawl tomorrow. The gigs here tend to be during the week which is great; gets you out of the house and instead of drinking
'cause it's Friday and that's what you do, you can actually watch the band. The prices are OK too, although I'm still kicking myself for not getting Pogues/God Speed/Spirtulized tickets. Hopefully they'll be back soon.
Got my Lunch. (These carrots actually were kinda horrible) |
As much as the cuisine here is pretty average, the one thing that is a winner is the ginger beer, I'm yet to have a bad one, even the Tescos stuff wouldn't taste too bad next to my fav Gladstones (available from the Warehouse for $5 for 4). The above was enjoyed at one of the many markets around town, in this case the hipster happening Old Street market. It's not a bad place, there's a lot of junk there, but the odd bargain, Although you have to fight for the records 'cause the Haircuts on the fixies are pretty quick to 'em.
How does the song by the Cars go "Just what I needed"? |
There's also the Whitechapel gallery around the corner. It's not too bad, modern art, but not too difficult (either that or I've suddenly "got" modern art...). Unfortunately my maturity level has taken a dive as my attention span was shot after drinking too many cocktails the previous night (absinthe,gin,mint. Amazing)...
I bet it's a wood circle... |
Also I blame the constant barrage of dick jokes here...
I nearly ended up here after falling asleep on the tube... |
The are some great gallery's around here, the National Gallery is pretty good, although I must have went the wrong way and ended up looking at pictures of Jesus for an hour, which pretty much ruined my vague interest in religious paintings... Naturally the Tate Modern is great, and even better is that it's walking distance from work. Can't remember what others I've been to, but they're all good...
So London Bridge hasn't actually fallen down... (as I was standing on it to get this snap...) |
The pubs here are pretty good and the weekends seldom spent at home, although still on the vague hunt for a spot I like, Camden loses it's charm after a while of going to the same place, the few other places I've been to I've forgotten there names, so probably won't be going back (good or bad)... The project for this weekend is to make it to Shoredich, I love to say the name really fast, the place seems a precarious balance between Haircuts and Beat-Ups but I think somewhere in the middle could be pretty cool. Just finding the balance could be a bit painful...
World's tallest hospital building (left) |
I must try to remember to keep to this. Maybe if I wrote a paragraph every time I had a curry, I'd become a bit of a regular, the owner guys alright, although when he asked me about the football I struggled to have much to offer (the Chelsea coach has just been given' the boot, big scandal if you swing that way), I guess that's another top conversation tip. FOLLOW THE FOOTBALL...