Monday 24 September 2012

Le Peri

Le Peri



since bought a new watch strap...

Right, first I shall apologise for a prolonged absence...

Tonight/today's tipple is Le Peri, pear cider. I think I weighed in at 7.5% alc/vol and came in a handy 1.5L bottle. Unfortunately it begin a habit of drinking on the train after work drinks on Friday, with the goal of being in a mood to dance to bad music in Egg. (East Grinstead, I've been here long enough to start making my own names up for things...) safe to say, it's never worked, only made the bike home in the dark far more dodgy.

Having started working I've had to learn to get up early and bike 6kms uphill to the train station, then it's an hour on the train to London. Not the most exciting trip in the world and getting a wee bit painful as the weather cools and the sun goes to bed earlier...

On the upside works good. It's great being in London, around London Bridge, where the Normans attacked the English (then Anglo-Saxon) successfully in about 1000ad after taking Harold's eye out at Hastings. In a funny way Hastings isn't to far from the Row, so maybe tomorrow on the way to work I'll pretend to be a Norman, (or not, as that guy from the Naked and Shameless beat me to it...)

In-between work drinks I've been brushing up on my British history which has been great. I've learnt that England has been conquered many times, firstly the Romans, then Germans/Danish (Anglo-Saxons, and some Jutes) followed by the French (Normans) (that as far as I've got...). Reading adds a nice sense of history, in what is a country that it not short of the stuff.

When I'm not reading on the train, or getting real good a Bejeweled I take to wondering why "on-peak" train tickets cost more than there "off-peak" look-a-likes. Ya'see, on-peak trains are always full of passengers, so are more uncomfortable and according to economies of scale they should be cheaper to run (the ol' Pak'n'Save "we buy big, you save big policy"). I think at the end of the day, people going to work is a captured market, as one must be at work on time, an the private rail companies can charge what they like, but I'll stop there before shit' get politicool (reading far to much of the brilliant Private-Eye magazine)

Green Park, where lepers were buried
On Saturday, unfortunately waking up in Forest Row and not a floor in London feeling hungover, I went and knocked off my errands in London (after the aforementioned 1 1/2 hour trip in and another 30mins on the tube). It was a nice day and decided I would get a pint and came across an unusual problem I find in London. It seems that whenever I feel like a beer I can never find a suitable pub. Usually the place is full of them, but not when your thirsty it seems. On the upside I got to go for a nice walk trough Green Park, I've heard it got it's name through someone trying to pick up the kings missus by bringing her flowers from there (the Palace is next door), and so the king ordered all the flower removed. As much as this makes for a rather lovely story, I can't find it verified anywhere, Wikipedia just says that it's where they dumped bodies and where the occasional robbery happened and I'm sure still does...

Incidentally the Queens house...
While still on the way to a pub a noticed again how much the sky is never really blue in London. The sky, when not grey is forever criss-crossed with vapour trails. It's something that I've never noticed in EnZee, most probably because there simply isn't anywhere near the amount of planes, that said, these guys disagree with me and would have a mind explosion if they zipped from Kingsland to this Hemisphere....

Anyway, I eventually found a sufficient pub and had a beer and compared it to the Le Peri big bottle o' cider. Safe to say the beer was much nicer. The cider was sub-par but represented very good value for money, or "piss for pounds" but otherwise wasn't all that good. To be quite honest it took me a while to work out what it was, and only found out that it was cider when reading the label on the back...
there's a guy at work who used to pull their tails for  LOLS.

Looking back onto that night I drank the pear cider, (well actually looking back onto the photo from that night), I found the above gem of a fox hangin' in the Sainsbury's car park. Having now seen a badger and a rather flat rat on the bike to the station today, my wildlife hunt is coming along pretty well.

In a final note for now the upside of living in the country is that you get nice sunsets. I'd happily trade the sunsets for a divey flat in the meanish streets in London (not Peckam, Old Kent road obviously hasn't improved much since monopoly was invented), but getting a flat is a bit of a challenge. They come and go so fast that you need a bit of luck it seems to get one, but alas that is a tale for another day.

Chem-Trails over th' Row

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